Boulder Beer Company - Singletrack Copper Ale
5.00% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
30 -
Serving Temperature:
40-45° F -
Suggested Glassware:
Pint Glass -
British Caramel, U.S. 2-Row Malted Barley, U.S. Flaked Rye, U.S. Carapils -
Nugget, Tettnang
True to its name, this beer presents a nice caramel-copper color with an off-white head beginning thick & settling to an everlasting covering. Note the mainly caramel malt aroma with a bit of floral hops in the background, as well as a hop-spicy edge. On the nose, look for honey-ish notes, toffee and light hints of toasted malts. Expect toasty flavors with firm bitterness—note the character of the bitterness: short-lived and front-heavy rather than living in the shadows and emerging in the finish. We enjoyed the bready, toasty finish, and the mild citrus notes that linger in the finish. Pair this one up with friends, family and good times.
Colorado: A great place for microbrewed beer—no doubt. Wonder where it all started? The Boulder Beer Company, established in 1979, was (and is) Colorado's first microbrewery. As one of the oldest in the country, they paved the way for others to follow. Founded by two college professors, David Hummer and Stick Ware, their primary goal was to produce beers in the traditional style of the robust ales of Europe. And they weren't afraid to move a few goats around in order to achieve that dream, neither! (The original brewery site was a small farm northeast of Boulder, and the brewhouse did in fact share space with a few goats—the "goat shed" they called it. Lucky college-town goats! We can hear them now… "bleat… the bleatin' freeeee beeeeeehhhrrr's o-oveeer heeeeere, buuuuudddy…")
Five years later, as a result of increased popularity (with people, not goats), they moved their one-barrel brewing system to their current facility in Boulder. In 1990 the publicly traded Boulder Brewing Company was purchased by Gina Day and Diane Greenlee, who renamed it the Boulder Beer Company. These two local ladies, along with Brewmaster David Zuckerman, decided to upgrade the entire brewery. Among other things, this included expanding their small tasting room into a full service restaurant and pub. In 1993, the brewery acknowledged the regional influence of its brands by officially changing the company name to Rockies Brewing Company.
In 2005 they decided to return to their roots by officially changing their name back to Boulder Beer Company and launching their annual birthday party slash fundraising event: "The Goatshed Revival!". If you're anywhere near Boulder on August 23rd this year, get there for a great time and a great cause (among other charities, proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity).
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (303) 444-8448 or check out their web site at .

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