Brickway Brewery & Distillery - Hef
5% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
20 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F -
Suggested Glassware:
Weizen Glass -
Pils, White Wheat -
Willamette, Liberty
This hefeweizen pours a rich golden color with a head of crisp white foam and plenty of unfiltered yeasty haze, as we expect for the style. We encounter a lot of American-made wheat beers which are really quite devoid of the proper Bavarian weissbier character, but with Brickway’s Hef we definitely pick up the characteristic phenolic clove notes and hints of banana, spice and lemony acidity we look for in the style. On the palate, this is a bright, tasty, quenching brew. The yeasty spice and the fruity notes from both the bright hops and the esters given off by the Bavarian yeast strain are complemented nicely by the spritzy carbonation. Plenty of tangy wheat is present as the malts come forth to offer some crackery balance. We’d recommend a complementary pairing of an Asian chicken salad with mandarin oranges and a bright ginger dressing. We also recommend pizzas and grilled meats; the lively carbonation and overall brightness can cut through fat and refresh the palate. Cheers!
Opened in December 2013, Omaha’s Brickway Brewery & Distillery is a relatively new venture, but founder Zac Triemert is no stranger to the craft brewing scene. A founder and former president of the nearby Lucky Bucket Brewery, Triemert left the business to start his own venture with his fiancée (now his wife), Holly Mulkins. The pair chose to locate their new business in downtown Omaha’s Old Market area, famed for its cobblestone streets and old brick buildings which house numerous art galleries, restaurants, and bars. Though originally known as “Borgata,” the duo chose to change the business’s name after hearing of possible legal action coming their way from the Atlantic City resort of the same name. We like their choice of “Brickway” to honor and reflect the historic district the company calls home.
With masters degrees in both brewing and distilling from Edinburgh, Scotland’s esteemed Heriot-Watt University, it’s no surprise Triemert is pursuing a vision for a dual brewery/distillery, especially considering Omaha had a rich distilling industry prior to Prohibition wiping it out. The similarities between brewing and distilling lead to a lot of synergies, and we’re honestly a little surprised more brewers don’t embrace craft distilling as a complementary business. Brickway’s tasting room embodies this, serving their own handcrafted beers and whisky, and, of course, cocktails – some of which are made with beer. For more info on their hours and tours, give them a call at 402-933-2613, or visit their website at

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