Brouwerij De Block - Satan Red
8.00% -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F
Satan Red is one of many very tasty beers inspired by the Belgian brew called Duvel (which means “Devil” in Flemish). When that beer was first brewed, it was quickly recognized as an entirely new style of beer, spawning a number of other beers with similarly Luciferian names. The devilish appeal of these beers is related to the manner in which they attract their drinkers, presenting a tempting, seemingly innocuous appearance that cunningly masks a darker side. Like old stories that detail the devil’s trickery in capturing some unfortunate’s soul, you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into until it’s too late. The parallel here is that despite having 8% alcohol by volume, the alcohol is expertly (perhaps devilishly) masked by the complex flavors and ample carbonation. The carbonation has an influence on how quickly the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, so when many folks discover these sorts of beers, they’re awestruck at how quickly and suddenly they find themselves intoxicated, as they often don’t even notice the alcohol while consuming the brew. Thus, they happily knock back a bottle or two before, as if they’ve entered some sort of Mephistophelian trap, it’s too late. This eerily red brew presents notes of green apples, yeast and citrus zest on the nose, with similar flavors perceived. Many are struck by the delicate sourness of this brew, which is a hallmark of the style. Expect a finish that is crisp and champagne-like. You likely won’t notice even a hint of alcohol, but know that it’s lurking in your glass. This is a fine beer to enjoy on its own, though poached salmon with dill and a hint of lemon is a nice partnering.
From that wellspring of beer creativity known as Belgium, in the hamlet of Peizegem, Boschkant, in Brabant, you’ll find the Brouwerij (brewery) De Block. The brewery’s pedigree can be traced back to the 14th century when the area’s first brewing guilds gained popularity. In these medieval times, Henricus De Bloc had already obtained the right to brew, as a vassal of the Duke of Brabant and Burgundy. He passed on his craft to his children and through the generations, the De Bloc family became a well known family of brewers. However it was hundreds of years later that Louis De Bloc would provide the official start for the brewery De Block. With lots of help from the family, ample ambition, persistence and a true love for the art of brewing, the brewery he founded in 1887 flourished.
The brewery and brewing operations have been controlled by the De Block family for generations now. The protected natural environs and the location of the brewery De Block, coupled with the pristine raw materials, unspoiled hop and malt growing lands, devotion, patience and skill have all kept this brewery going for nearly 120 years now. Throughout their many years of experience, they have placed special emphasis upon the process of selecting the finest flavors and varieties of locally grown hops, malts, grains and spices. They even use the brewery’s own yeast culture, which has been maintained using traditional and, these days, scientifically refined methods. It is in this way that their yeast line functions as a sort of bridge through time, forming the basis for maintaining their tradition of delicious beers from the one generation to another—or as they say “an endless connection from young to old.” Quite literally, descendants of the original yeast cells used to create Brouwerij De Block’s first beers in the 1800’s are at work today making beer—which is itself brewed by descendents of the De Block family.
The Brouwerij De Block is a member of The Artisanal Belgian Family Brewers of Flanders group, which was founded in an effort to bring Belgium’s unique range of tastes and flavors to the attention of the entire world. A number of small breweries that make authentic and original cultural beers in Flanders—in collaboration with Export Vlaanderen—set up this joint initiative for international promotion, participation at foreign trade fairs and for maintaining contacts with importers. The group aims to disseminate the true Belgian beer culture and the authentic craftsmanship of the small private breweries that put their hearts and souls into producing these widely praised beers. It is in part due to their participation in this group that we can now bring you one of De Block’s most famous beers—Satan Red—a beer that has been notoriously difficult to find in the US.
If you’d like more information about the Brouwerij De Block, and do not have an aversion to the occult, check out the most devilish URL we’ve ever listed at:

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