Buzzards Bay Brewing Company - Buzzards Bay Stock Ale
5.1% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
39 -
Serving Temperature:
42-47° F
Buzzards Bay Stock Ale is yet another handcrafted brew in the truest sense of the phrase that reminds one that there's a very viable difference between a stock ale and a wanna-be-micro contracted at a regional brewery. This highly drinkable Amber Ale is brewed with a combination of English Crystal, Two row-pale, and Caramel malts. Northern Brewer and Centennial hops are used up front for their bittering characteristics while a serious dose of Cascade hops are added towards the end of the boil primarily for their aromatic contributions. Stock ale is also dry hopped with Cascade hops. Immediately look for an intense and very pleasant floral and fruity hop nose up front. Note nice head retention in this filtered, copper, medium-bodied beer. Stock Ale starts with a rich caramel flavor, moves into a well-balanced floral hop character towards the middle and finishes on a dry medium-bitter note. Overall, a big and flavorful interpretation of an Amber Ale. You’re gonna dig it! Enjoy!

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