Church Street Brewing Company - Brimstone India Pale Ale
6.8% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
80 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F -
Suggested Glassware:
Pint Glass or Mug -
CMC 2-Row, Pilsen -
Cascade, Centennial, Warrior

Pouring a bright copper hue with an exuberant head of lasting foam, this dry-hopped West Coast style IPA offers up plenty of aromatic fireworks. We got big, vibrant citrus fruit notes akin to tangerine, with some supporting floral tones. Take a sip and... Pow! 80 big IBUs hit upfront and stay with you through the extended finish, lingering on the palate long after the sip is over and drying this hop bomb out nicely. Pale malts offer just a hint of bread and enough structure and backbone to support the hops, which come through with lots of West Coast IPA attitude. Pine notes support a bigger citric character leaning towards grapefruit, and though the beer's ABV and gravity are in line with what we expect from an IPA, the bitterness level is firm enough to approach double IPA levels. Enjoy this hoppy brew with foods big and bold enough to not be overpowered. Spicy Asian dishes come to mind, as do fattier foods which can be easily cut through by the bold hop acidity. Cheers!
Church Street Brewing Company was founded in Chicago's western suburb of Itasca in 2012 by Joe & Lisa Gregor. Joe, a chemical engineer, had spent much of his professional life traveling throughout Europe and, naturally, sampling the continent's amazing beers. His interest eventually went beyond simply enjoying the finished product; his scientific mind became interested in the varied techniques brewers use to craft their beers. At the suggestion of his eldest son, Joe began homebrewing, a hobby which, as it so often does, led him to the decision to launch his own brewery.
The Gregors acquired an 8,300 square foot facility to serve as their brewhouse, into which they installed a 30-barrel brewing system – an ambitious size for a brand new brewery. Using traditional brewing techniques like the tricky and time-intensive German method of decoction mashing, Church Street produces a wide array of true-to-style European-style beers, with an emphasis on German lager styles like pilsner, helles lager, doppelbock, and more, but also varied ale styles like Irish red ale, Scottish ale, and Belgian strong golden ale. For more info on the brewery, their Tap Room, or their free tours, call 'em up at 630-438-5725 or visit

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