Devil Mountain Brewing Company - Black Honey Ale
4.3% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
28 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F
Jim uses a combination of 2-row pale, Caramel, unmalted Chocolate and Black Patent malts to brew his Black Honey Ale. Liberty hops are added for their bittering contributions, while Northern Brewer hops are used for their aromatic characteristics. Unique special ingredients include African Black Honey & New England Buckwheat Honey. The brewery uses a Saccaromyces Cerevisea yeast stain to produce this filtered, full-bodied ale.
Note a malty, fruity sweet and roasted nose up front. Immediately note a nice subtle mix of hops and slight malt aroma in this beer’s nose. Look for great head retention in this clear, dark brown, full-bodied beer. The flavor profile starts out caramelly, has a smooth, almost bittersweet toffee-like, clean middle and ends with a nice roasted finish. Overall, another very unusual, clean, flavorful ale closest to a porter in style. An excellent beer.

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