Devil Mountain Brewing Company - Five Malt Ale
4.2% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
21 -
Serving Temperature:
42-47° F

Immediately note an intense malty sweet nose with some caramel and roasted character evident. Look for good head retention in this clear, deep amber, medium-to-full bodied beer. We found a predominately malt flavor profile with some hop bitterness to balance out the sweetness which carries into the finish. Overall, a clean, extraordinarily complex combination of malts, producing a unique, very flavorful ale.
The Devil Mountain Brewing Co. first opened in 1987, operating out of an abandoned railroad station at the foot of Mount Diablo with a 7 barrel brewhouse in Walnut Creek, CA. The brewery was immediately recognized for it’s ability to create stellar products, using exotic combinations of ingredients to develop award winning recipes. In their first year of operation, the Brewery won three medals at the Great American Beer Festival, a feat only a handful of breweries have been able to repeat to this day. Their tremendous early success propelled them to upgrading the brewery to a 23 barrel brewhouse, but rising costs and increased competition forced Devil Mountain to look for ways to grow in less saturated markets which meant the need for a new, more centrally located brewery.
The brewery has recently relocated one last time to Cincinnati, OH and under the direction of its original brewmaster, Jim DeBoer, is producing three very unusual and exceptional beers, all of which we’ve included in this month’s shipment. In addition to several seasonal recipes in development, the brewery plans to introduce Iron Horse Pale Ale and Devil’s Brew Porter.
The brewery has recently relocated one last time to Cincinnati, OH and under the direction of its original brewmaster, Jim DeBoer, is producing three very unusual and exceptional beers, all of which we’ve included in this month’s shipment. In addition to several seasonal recipes in development, the brewery plans to introduce Iron Horse Pale Ale and Devil’s Brew Porter.

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