Devil Mountain Brewing Company - Railroad Golden Ale
4.1% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
25 -
Serving Temperature:
40-45° F
Here, Jim combines 2-row pale and Caramel malts. He uses primarily Chinook hops to give this ale its bitterness and then dry hops with Liberty hops which contribute to Railroad’s fruity and spicy nose. Again, Jim uses a Saccaromyces Cerevisea yeast strain. Notes From the Panel:Immediately note a very hoppy spicy and fruity nose in this clear, pale, medium-bodied beer. Great head retention. Its flavor profile begins with a malty sweetness, is slightly bitter in the middle and more so in the finish. Overall, a great balance of fruity ale character and hop spiciness in a very flavorful beer.

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