El Toro Brewing Company - Poppy Jasper Amber Ale
5.0% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
30 -
Serving Temperature:
40-45° F
Named after a type of quartz found only in Morgan Hill, Poppy Jasper is a full bodied American Extra Special Bitter (E.S.B.) style beer brewed with a combination of 2-row pale, Carastan, Dark Crystal and Wheat malts. Geno uses Galena hops to bitter the beer, Liberty hops for their aromatic contributions, and Cascade hops for both bittering and aroma during the 90 minute boil. A high flocculating English yeast strain is used which means the yeast clumps or flocs together and drops to the bottom of the fermentation tanks quickly. Poppy Jasper won the Gold in the E.S.B.\Amber Ale category at the 1995 CA Beer Festival.
This E.S.B. has a complex malty, caramelly, floral, and slightly roasted nose. We also detected an estery tone to the nose. Look for nice head retention in this medium-to-full-bodied, clear, copper-colored amber ale. Note an assertive, but not overbearing hop character and nice caramel malt sweetness in the body of this very flavorful beer. Overall, an excellent E.S.B. with a complex and inviting profile.
Morgan Hill, CA, whose unusual combination of primary agricultural products have long since included simply garlic, mushrooms, and Christmas trees, welcomed a new and equally unique product in April of 1994 when the El Toro Brewing Co. began brewing. It was the first brewery to open in south Santa Clara County since 1919, when the Gilroy brewery closed after 50 years of operation. The El Toro Brewing Co., named after a nearby mountain of the same name, is a very small, family-run operation founded by Geno and Cindy Acevedo. Geno, a former aeronautical engineer at McDonnell Douglas Corp., saw more promise in the brewing industry than what the future held in aerospace.
The brewery uses a 17 barrel brewhouse, 2 primary fermenters (one open), and three secondary fermenters. In addition to the three beers that we’ve sent you this month, the brewery also produces the following seasonals: William Jones Wheat, Lake Anderson Lager, Kick Ace Barleywine, El Toro Peach Ale, El Toro Black Raspberry Ale, El Toro Cherry Stout and Brewmaster’s Brown Ale.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (408) 778-BREW.
The brewery uses a 17 barrel brewhouse, 2 primary fermenters (one open), and three secondary fermenters. In addition to the three beers that we’ve sent you this month, the brewery also produces the following seasonals: William Jones Wheat, Lake Anderson Lager, Kick Ace Barleywine, El Toro Peach Ale, El Toro Black Raspberry Ale, El Toro Cherry Stout and Brewmaster’s Brown Ale.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (408) 778-BREW.

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