Flying Dog Brewing Company - Road Dog Scottish Porter
5.30% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
31 -
Serving Temperature:
50-55° F -
Suggested Glassware:
Thistle or Pint Glass -
2-Row, Crystal, Black, Chocolate, Black -
Warrior, Cascade
This was Flying Dog's first beer to be illustrated by Ralph Steadman. It also boasts a colorful tag line, which we'll let you find for yourselves, that landed them in a civil rights battle before they regained the right to print it. Look for a creamy, soft malty nose with a prominent nuttiness and a yeasty fruitiness. That nuttiness carries through in the flavor, providing peanut- and walnut-like notes (the latter is more evident in the finish). Finishes with a slight note of scotch & maple syrup. Pair with Havarti cheese, melted over multi-grain wheat bread.
Flying Dog has gained nationwide success since the brand was founded in 1990. By combining bold, uncompromising craft beers with branding that captures the irreverent spirit of today's beer drinker, they've created quite a few canine-inspired "characters" in the beer world. Not surprising, considering what an interesting character founder George Stranahan is. The heir to a multi-million-dollar fortune from the Champion Spark Plug company, he was never content to simply live the trust-fund life. Early on he rejected authority and the stuffy, elitist attitude of the wealthy, opting to pursue a PhD in Physics. In 1959 he proposed what has become the Aspen Center for Physics. Since then, he's been a cattle rancher, pal of Hunter S. Thompson, whiskey distiller, barkeep & cook, trusted publican, brewery owner and investor.
Clearly, a can-do spirit like his has much to do with the success of Flying Dog, including their recent expansion east, where they purchased the Wild Goose Brewery in Frederick, Maryland to serve as an east coast brewing center for their growing brand. Yes, this dog truly is flying, all around the country—and into Europe! Flying Dog's beers are now available in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Italy, UK and Holland with more to come. As they say, in their forever-irreverent style, "we are taking this bitch international!"
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (303)-292-5027 or check out their web site at

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