Great Divide Brewing Company - St. Brigid's Robust Porter
6.0% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
30 -
Serving Temperature:
47-52° F
We love this porter! Note a predominantly chocolate roasted nose with some sweet malt characteristics evident. Look for good head retention in this dark ruby-brown, filtered, medium-to-full-bodied ale. St. Brigid's has a wonderfully clean, dark roasted malt characteristic throughout its body and finish, indicative of a true robust porter. Overall, a clean, flavorful, and true-to-style robust porter, well deserving of its recent Gold at GABF. You're gonna love it.
Located in downtown Denver, Colorado, The Great Divide Brewing company was founded by Brian and Tara Dunn in early 1993, introducing their first product, Arapahoe Amber Ale in June of '94. Brian had just completed his MA in Environmental Policy and when frustrated with the lack of opportunity available at the time, decided to take his homebrewing passion and turn it into a career. The brewery is located in an old 1930's dairy building which has allowed for two expansions since the brewery's inception.
Head Brewer Chris Dunne studied pre-med, has a BA in English and was a passionate homebrewer prior to hiring on at Great Divide. It seems he's learned his trade well as the brewery has received no less than nine accolades for their beers, most from the Great American Beer Festival and World Beer Championships. In addition to the Porter featured this month, the brewery also brews an American Wheat, a Honey Ale, an Amber Ale, a Wild Raspberry Ale and several seasonal beers.
St. Brigid's Porter is a deep ruby colored, full-bodied porter with a smooth chocolate character and a slightly roasted finish. The name comes from Irish lore about Saint Brigid who reportedly transformed her bath water into beer for thirsty clerics. As the brewery is sensitive about giving out specific information with regard to the types of malts and hops used to brew this beer, it will have to suffice to let you know that it's a true Champion of Porters, taking the Gold in the robust porter category at both the 1996 World Beer Cup and the 1996 Great American Beer Festival.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (303) 296-9460 or check out their web site at
Head Brewer Chris Dunne studied pre-med, has a BA in English and was a passionate homebrewer prior to hiring on at Great Divide. It seems he's learned his trade well as the brewery has received no less than nine accolades for their beers, most from the Great American Beer Festival and World Beer Championships. In addition to the Porter featured this month, the brewery also brews an American Wheat, a Honey Ale, an Amber Ale, a Wild Raspberry Ale and several seasonal beers.
St. Brigid's Porter is a deep ruby colored, full-bodied porter with a smooth chocolate character and a slightly roasted finish. The name comes from Irish lore about Saint Brigid who reportedly transformed her bath water into beer for thirsty clerics. As the brewery is sensitive about giving out specific information with regard to the types of malts and hops used to brew this beer, it will have to suffice to let you know that it's a true Champion of Porters, taking the Gold in the robust porter category at both the 1996 World Beer Cup and the 1996 Great American Beer Festival.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (303) 296-9460 or check out their web site at

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