Greenshields Brewing Company - Greenshields Nut Brown Ale
5.1% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
27 -
Serving Temperature:
40-45° F
The brewery uses 6 malts in this bad boy. Lots of carahelle for body and dark roasted D-husk black malt for color in addition to many of the same grains used in the amber. Greenshields Nut Brown is an ale (top fermented) brewed with three different 2-row barley malts. Look for a subtle hop profile in the nose with some nutty roastedness evident. Note a medium-to-full bodied ale and a very nice mouth feel in this deep rich brownish-red, filtered, ale. It’s certainly fully fermented and very drinkable. Look for a malt-dominated body. It’s not aggressively hopped true to style. We found the finish to be pleasantly rich, offering a sweet roastedness. Overall, a pretty complex malt profile for a brown ale. A solid beer. We liked it and think you will too!

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