Harbor City Brewing Company - Mile Rock Amber Ale
4.8% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
24 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F
The Mile Rock Amber Ale is a well-balanced American style amber ale that is true to style. Mile Rock Amber Ale is reminiscent of the beers that were first brewed in this area of Wisconsin back in the 1840’s. Our panel members detected a sweet, malty nose with floral notes. The flavor matched the aroma, with sweet, malty characteristics and the finish was well balanced.
The Harbor City Brewing Company is located in Port Washington, Wisconsin, in a former ice cube / block ice production plant. To convert this former plant into a quality-conscious microbrewery, they worked closely with the New Belgium Brewing Company of Ft. Collins, CO. They’re the creators of Fat Tire Amber Ale. To create a highly controlled brewing facility, they setup their 20-barrel Brewhouse with four 40-barrel fermentation vessels.
The owner of the New Belgium Brewing Company, Jeff Lebesch, and Harbor City Brewing Company’s brewer, Jim Schueller, worked together to design all of their beers, including the two beers we are featuring this month. The Harbor City Brewing Company’s labels and promotional items feature scenes that are familiar to generations of travelers. Their harbor's Lighthouse and the Downtown are some of the most photographed scenes by tourists.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (262) 284-3118 or check out their web site at www.harborcitybrewing.com.
The owner of the New Belgium Brewing Company, Jeff Lebesch, and Harbor City Brewing Company’s brewer, Jim Schueller, worked together to design all of their beers, including the two beers we are featuring this month. The Harbor City Brewing Company’s labels and promotional items feature scenes that are familiar to generations of travelers. Their harbor's Lighthouse and the Downtown are some of the most photographed scenes by tourists.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (262) 284-3118 or check out their web site at www.harborcitybrewing.com.

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