Harpoon Brewing Company - Munich Dark
5.4% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
16 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F
This particular beer was introduced in 1998 and won the Harpoon Brewing Company a first prize spot for Best Beer Overall of the year in BarleyCorn Magazine. It pours a nice deep caramel to mahogany color with an appropriate level of carbonation for the style. Nice retention in the tan head which will leave some sticky lace behind. The maltiness is also long lasting and provides a sweet nutty, toasted flavor that develops into a mild spiciness. Note a crisp mouthfeel in this medium-bodied beer. As it warmed, the alcohol presence was more readily noted, along with light fruity flavor notes. Offering a very satisfying, smooth and Earthy feel, this is a great beer to pair with steak or seafood. Of course, it's extremely well suited to be enjoyed on its own as well.

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