Murphy's Creek Brewing Company - Deliverance Barley Wine
10.4% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
55 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F
"Danger Will Robinson: Approaching Excessively Original Gravity!" and "Now Entering High Alcohol Zone"
Deliverence Barley Wine is brewed with a combination of two-row Pale and imported Crystal malts. Micah uses Columbus and only Columbus hops in an aggressive kind of way to balance this big beer’s serious flavor profile. As you may have surmised, the beer is dry-hopped. A proprietary brewery-developed ale yeast strain is used. Deliverence is also open-fermented and long term temperature control aged to perfection before being bottled resulting in a smooth, easily drinkable Barley Wine. You may consider setting one bottle aside as, like the Imperial Stout we sent last month, this sweet nectar will only improve with age.
Deliverence Barley Wine is brewed with a combination of two-row Pale and imported Crystal malts. Micah uses Columbus and only Columbus hops in an aggressive kind of way to balance this big beer’s serious flavor profile. As you may have surmised, the beer is dry-hopped. A proprietary brewery-developed ale yeast strain is used. Deliverence is also open-fermented and long term temperature control aged to perfection before being bottled resulting in a smooth, easily drinkable Barley Wine. You may consider setting one bottle aside as, like the Imperial Stout we sent last month, this sweet nectar will only improve with age.
Immediately note a fruity, clean and hop spicy nose. Look for good head retention in this filtered, beautiful burgundy red, very full-bodied beer. This Barley wine has an intensely sweet start, a very clean malty body perfectly balanced with a mellow bitterness and a nice hop spicy finish. High alcohols are evident leaving you with a toasty feeling. Overall, a very smooth, perfectly balanced, and extremely flavorful American Barley Wine! We loved it. Six enthusiastic thumbs way up!
Murphy’s Creek Brewing Co., located in Angles Camp, CA, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, was founded in 1992 by Dan Ayala. The brewery itself is located on the banks of Murphy’s Creek, near the site of the original brewery established in 1848. The brewery uses a 12 barrel brewhouse and distributes in only 3 counties local to the brewery. Brewers Micah Millspaw and Ken Parsons began brewing their Deliverence Barley Wine in the summer of 1995 and soon thereafter it was named by a local homebrewer who, after first tasting it, proclaimed it to be an experience akin to the religious ecstasy. A quick glance at the label is all you need to know that the name took on its own refined definition over the years that obviously has nothing to do what so ever with any form of religion. The existing label is also a statement of the brewery’s sense of humor; note the sign posted and the hidden message in the mountain range. In any case, we’re confident that you too, will squeal like a pig, though hopefully in pure pleasure rather than discomfort, as you savor this truly exceptional beer.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (209) 736-BREW
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (209) 736-BREW

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