New Knoxville Brewing Company - Old Pal Porter
5.25% -
Serving Temperature:
55-60° F
Old Pal is a re-creation of the popular porter brewed by the original brewery in the 1890’s and is brewed with malted wheat and a combination of two-row Pale, Crystal, Chocolate roasted and Black Patent malts. Here, Robert uses English Kent Goldings hops only once up front during the 60 min. boil for bittering and Fuggles twice later on for both bittering and aroma. The same Ringwood Ale yeast strain used in Swanky is also used and the beer is also brewed using traditional British brewing methods and open-fermented.
Look for a slightly roasted chocolate nose and flavor profile up front and note good head retention in this medium-bodied, filtered, deep reddish-black beer. Note a full malt flavor profile in the body and a somewhat bitter-sweet finish. Overall, a flavorful, clean and very enjoyable porter.

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