Pennsylvania Brewing Company - Penn Gold
4.5% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
18 -
Serving Temperature:
40-45° F
Penn Gold is a three-time gold medal winner (1990, 1993 & 1998), at the Great American Beer Festival. A Munich Helles style of beer, Penn Gold is brewed with a combination of two-row Pale and Caramel malts and hopped twice during the boil with imported Hallertau hops. It’s then aged four weeks at 0 degrees Celsius under pressure to capture its natural carbonation. Look for a relatively malt dominated nose as well as body in this medium-bodied golden colored lager. Note a hint of hop spiciness evident. Overall, a classic representation of a difficult style to brew. It’s refreshing, crisp and traditional. A great beer to accompany any barbecue!
The Pennsylvania Brewing Company, founded in 1986 by Tom Pastorius to brew authentic German beers, was the first microbrewery in Pennsylvania and a pioneer in the microbrewery movement. The brewery and its restaurant are located in Pittsburg, in the same building that once housed the historic Eberhardt Brewery. The brewery is an authentic German brewery in every detail; from its solid copper brewhouse imported from the motherland, to it’s German fermentation and aging tanks, filtration equipment, kegging and bottling equipment. The brewery also imports all of its ingredients, uses German recipes, brewing methods and even has a German brewmaster! All beers are made in accordance with the German beer purity law called the "Reinheitsgebot" which means that only the four classic ingredients are used in our beer: malted barley (and/or wheat), hops, water and yeast. Adjuncts such as corn and rice are never used. You won’t find the words "preservatives" or "stabilizers" in the vocabulary of Penn’s brewmaster.
In addition to Penn Gold, the Münchener Helles style beer that you’ll have the chance to try this month, the brewery produces an number of unusual lagers and ales including a classic German Pilsener, Bavarian Hefeweizen, Oktoberfest, and a European-Style Dark Münchener Dunkel.
Penn Gold boasts of the smooth and mellow taste of fresh German beers. Called "your daily bread in Bavaria", this highly drinkable beer is of medium bitterness. Bavarians enjoy these beers even with breakfast.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (412) 237-9402 or check out their web site at

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