Pioneer/Wisconsin Brewing Company - Wisconsin Whitetail Cream Ale
4.2% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
36 -
Serving Temperature:
38-44° F
Whitetail is not your traditional Cream Ale which is normally a light-bodied style that we wouldn’t feature. This one’s a Cream Ale with some character and body! Brewed with two row pale malts and Belgian Wheat grains, this pale colored ale offers a full spicy hop nose. It’s hopped with both Tettnang and Willamette hops. We found the flavor to be crisp and clean on the palate and full of a fresh hops! Look for a clean, bitter hop finish. Overall, although it’s not really brewed true to style, that’s a GOOD THING! The best "Cream Ale" we’ve evaluated to date.

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