River Horse Brewing Company - Winter Ale
8.0% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
25 -
Serving Temperature:
45-53° F
The cold bite of winter is upon us… well, some of us. But even if you haven’t hadto endure the sub zero wind chills and accum-ulating feet of snowfall, you can still enjoy a little bit of winter with this Ale. And if you have dealt with the elements, take a well earned break from the shoveling and settle in with one of these ales. You might have noticed from the stats above the rather high alcohol content, which comes in handy for passing the winter hours by the fire (don’t get too close, you might spontaneously combust, depending on how many winter ales you’ve got in ya). Fortunately, this brew is so master-fully created that the alcohol content isn’t as prominent on the palate as one might expect, still if you do catch a small bite from it, it will happen at the finish, as it ought to. The nose is very pleasant, wrought with candy sweet-ness but balanced, you’ll notice, with a yeasty, oat-tinged malt. Expect a smoky, dry hop finish that will go well with an earthy cheese appetizer (don’t have any you say? Well, “hop” on over to www.cheesemonthclub.com and check out our Gourmet Cheese of the Month Club—we’ve got incredible offerings every month!)

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