Smuttynose Brewing Company - Shoal's Pale Ale
5.3% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
23 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F
Brewed with a combination of Two Row Pale, Munich, and Caramel malts, Shoal's Pale Ale, an American interpretation of classic English ale, was awarded a silver medal at the 1998 World Beer Championships. The brewery aggressively hops this copper-colored, unfiltered, medium-bodied ale with Centennial and Cascade hops giving it a delightfully complex flavor. Look for a tangy fruitiness at the start, with an assertive hop crispness and a big malty mouth feel. Overall, a very complex, well-balanced and full of flavor.
The Smuttynose Brewing Co. is located on the New Hampshire coast in the historic city of Portsmouth. The brewery, which opened in 1994, is named after Smuttynose Island, one of the isles of Shoals - a small, rugged group of islands that lie nine miles off the coast of New Hampshire and Maine. It is believed that mariners in the 1600s named the island for the dark seaweed-covered rock ledge that projects from one end of the island. Steeped in history and legend, the isles of Shoals have been home to poets, pirates, fishermen, and now a brewery.
The Shoal's Pale Ale featured this month goes well with a wide variety of foods. Its assertive hop character stands up well to rich, full-flavored foods, yet its complex flavors are subtle enough to accompany lighter, more delicately flavored selections. Shoal's Pale Ale is a "live ale" which is naturally conditioned and unfiltered.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (603) 436-4026 or check out their web site at

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