Sprecher Brewing Company - Dunkle Weizen
4.80% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
15 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50° F -
Suggested Glassware:
Weizen Glass -
Pale, Carapils, Wheat, Caramel, Black, Chocolate -
Cascade, Mt. Hood, Tettnanger, Chinook, Hallertau
What’s in a name? Dunkle means “dark” and Weizen means “wheat” in German, making this beer, literally, a dark wheat beer. Look for a deep caramel amber color with orange hues capped by a very creamy light tan head that laces masterfully along the glass. Rich caramel and dough-like notes complement aromas of clove and banana and a hint of bubble gum. As expected for a dunkelweizen, there are some bread-like notes and these work very nicely against the fruity esters that evoke scents of musty orange peel. Amidst the complex flavors rises the core of many a good German-style wheat beer: the yeast. In this beer, there are subtle spicy characteristics when cool, a damp musty quality and an herbal, almost minty, mentholated numbness on the tongue—all combinations of the yeast and spicy yet subtle hopping. As the beer warms, expect the spiciness to grow, evoking impressions of cinnamon spice. Surrounding this core are notes of past-prime oranges, caramel, Portuguese sweet bread, and an almost creamy richness. Like all good weisse beers, it finishes with what is commonly described as a “wheaty twang” which is best described as a slightly sour, mildly acidic character that helps give wheat beers (light or dark) their thirst-quenching character. The finish is rounded out by notes of caramel, gingerbread, cloves, and after-breaths of cinnamon. Appearing well beyond what we would describe as a finish or aftertaste there is a ‘residual linger’ of spicy numbness that rests on the palate—a most interesting experience. Try pairing with German smoked sausage.
We've been fans of the Sprecher Brewing Company for some time. With over 20 beers in their cumulative brewing portfolio, we’ve enjoyed everything we’ve gotten our hands on. This month, we’ve focused on limited release beers in their collection, and they are some fine brews! The first thing you'll likely notice is that their bottle labels give the impression of being an import; notice the griffin-like emblem and Euro-style-typeface (and the name Sprecher, meaning "speaker" in German, implying a German brewery). But closer examination reveals the banner line "Established in Milwaukee – 1985"—it's almost jarring to discover this beer isn't brewed by a 200+ year old brewery from Bavaria (and that's before even tasting the stuff—you'll really question it after you try them!).
Sprecher Brewing Co. was founded in 1985 by Randal Sprecher, a former brewing supervisor at Pabst Brewing Company, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Within 10 years the company had outgrown their first location and in 1994 they moved to their current location in Glendale, Wisconsin. The new, larger brewery enabled the company to continue growing; today they remain proud contributors to Milwaukee's great brewing tradition—and by Milwaukee's great brewing tradition we don't mean the current macro-behemoth based there—this city was, in the late 1800s, home to more than 80 breweries—but prohibition changed all of that in 1919. Still, it can be spoken of historically as a craft brewing haven, and the Sprecher beers certainly speak to us; they tell us these guys know what's up. If you're ever in the Milwaukee area, drop in to Glendale, Winconsin for a visit and buy whatever Sprecher beers you can get home with you (helpful hint: bring an extra suitcase!).
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, visit their website at www.sprecherbrewery.com or call them at call (414) 964-2739.

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