Sweetwater Brewing Company - Exodus Porter
5.5% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
50 -
Serving Temperature:
38-42° F
Another award winner from Sweetwater, Exodus took home the Silver in the Brown Porter category at the 2000 Great American Beer Festival. It should be no surprise that this ale was originally crafted as the official beer for the 1998 National Craft-Brewers Conference. Exodus Porter is brewed with a combination of 2-row pale, crystal, Munich, and chocolate malts as well as a touch of malted wheat to add to the beer’s head retention. Kevin uses both Centennial and UK Goldings hops for flavor. You’ll pick up their bitterness in the body and finish. Look for a dark brown hue with some red hues in this medium-bodied, delightful porter. Note a distinctly roasted nose with some chocolate malts evident. We’d call it a classic porter with a hint of sweetness normally found in a brown ale. Overall, we loved it! Great flavor and very drinkable.

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