The Lost Abbey - Serpent’s Stout
11% -
Bottle Size:
750-ml -
Serving Temperature:
50–55° F -
Suggested Glassware:
Tulip, Teku, or Snifter
Serpent’s Stout from Lost Abbey pours quite dark, approaching pitch black, with a creamy, mocha-colored head. Solid lacing despite the high ABV. Aromatics of roasted malts, dark chocolates, and French-roast coffee lead. Bittering elements of baker’s chocolate beside a modestly herbaceous hop character. (We occasionally caught a mint-chocolate-chip vibe.)
Pretty solid carbonation underpinning this beer, much like from a Belgian-style stout. This is very full bodied, but smooth and round on the tongue. Huge initial impact of rich chocolate, subtle caramelization, and smooth roast. Cocoa, coffee, and a touch of vanilla balance nicely against a subtle alcoholic warmth. We think Serpent’s Stout stands on its own as world-class imperial stout, and it’s a great side-by-side comparison with the last beer in our special offer.
Serpent’s Stout is impressively drinkable fresh, but very fit for some cellaring time. For food pairings: we’d try this alongside pepper-crusted steak or rich salted-caramel ice cream.

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