The Rare Cigar Club
For the most discerning cigar lovers, we offer The Rare Cigar Club. Each shipment features four different and extremely limited-production hand-rolled cigars. Made with the highest quality aged tobaccos and typically boasting retail values between $12-$25 per cigar, The Rare Cigar Club is the ultimate cigar experience for when only the best will do!
These small-batch cigars are selected from boutique manufacturers like Alec Bradley and Carlos Toraño, as well as highly-rated super-premium brands like Graycliff, Macanudo and Cohiba. Members always get a variety of lengths, gauges, wrapper types, and tobacco blends.
Every shipment includes our monthly newsletter with tasting notes, cigar maker profiles, tobacco blend specifications, drink pairing recommendations, and more.
Plus, each shipment is carefully packed with a reusable humidification device to ensure optimal humidity while your cigars are in transit and after they reach you.
Sourcing Cigars – On Location!
Each year, our 9-member panel of tobacconists collectively spends nearly half a year in man hours in Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic working with manufacturers to refine new blends. They sample over 12,000 cigars per year and review each for appearance, aroma & flavor, draw and construction – ensuring only well-made, superior cigars are selected for the club.
Reorder Your Favorite Cigars
Found some cigars you just have to have more of? No problem! Members enjoy discounted pricing on 5-packs and full boxes of their favorite featured cigars.