Three Floyds Brewing Company - 3 Floyds Burnham Pilsener
5.4% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
32 -
Serving Temperature:
42-47° F
Burnham Pilsener is brewed with two row Pale and Carapils malts. Nick has selected our personal favorite pilsener hop, Czechoslovakian Saaz, to take on the task of bittering this classic Czechoslovakian interpretation. Look for a deep amber colored lager with a medium body and moderate bitterness. We found it to have a sweet malty nose with some hop spiciness evident. Note a lightly toasted caramel malt palate. This beer has a wonderful mouth feel with delicate spicy hop notes that are interwoven with the malt. It has a lingering spicy finish that would go well with Asian, Mexican, or other spicy cuisines.
Founded in the fall of 1996 by Nick Floyd, his father and his brother, they truly are three Floyd’s brewing. When they started the brewery it was with the intention of satisfying the thirst of beer drinkers in the Midwest who crave big, uncompromising beers Catering to the lads that simply couldn’t choke down another bottle of Milwaukee’s Best with a Stag chaser! Gone are the days when an Indiana boy has to seek out and lurk in notorious locations of ill repute so that he won’t be seen suppressing the "Gag Reflex" trying to get an Old Style past his tonsils. Thank you brothers Floyd And Papa Floyd too!
Before deciding to open his own brewery, Nick Floyd had extensive brewing experience, which is quite evident in the outstanding beers he produces. And the boys? Quality Control, of course. One of the keys to the beers that Nick brews is the malts that he invests in. Buying specialized malts from Germany and Belgium, which impart a depth and smoothness lacking in many other beers, he often uses up to 10 different malts in his ales!
The original brewery for Three Floyds was located in a 5,000 square foot warehouse in Hammond, Indiana where cheap taxes and rent helped the guys get off the ground. They originally started out as a draft only facility, supplying bars and restaurants in the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana areas, but have since expanded. In November 1999, Three Floyds slowly began moving their facility to Munster, Indiana. The 15,000 square foot building will eventually house the entire brewing operation once it is complete by the start of 2001.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (219) 922-3565 or check out their web site at
Before deciding to open his own brewery, Nick Floyd had extensive brewing experience, which is quite evident in the outstanding beers he produces. And the boys? Quality Control, of course. One of the keys to the beers that Nick brews is the malts that he invests in. Buying specialized malts from Germany and Belgium, which impart a depth and smoothness lacking in many other beers, he often uses up to 10 different malts in his ales!
The original brewery for Three Floyds was located in a 5,000 square foot warehouse in Hammond, Indiana where cheap taxes and rent helped the guys get off the ground. They originally started out as a draft only facility, supplying bars and restaurants in the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana areas, but have since expanded. In November 1999, Three Floyds slowly began moving their facility to Munster, Indiana. The 15,000 square foot building will eventually house the entire brewing operation once it is complete by the start of 2001.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (219) 922-3565 or check out their web site at

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