Uinta Brewing Company - Hoodoo Kölsch
4.5% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
26 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50º F -
Suggested Glassware:
Kölsch Glass (Stange), Pilsner Glass -
2-Row Pale, Biscuit, C-60, Chocolate -
East Kent Goldings, Willamette
When we think of German beer, we tend to think of bottom-fermented lagers, but kölsch represents one of the exceptions. Originally hailing from the German city of Cologne (Köln), kölsch is top-fermented with ale yeast (which likes warmer temperatures, as opposed to bottom-fermenting lager yeast), then it's cold conditioned like a lager. In this way it represents a bit of a hybrid style, not unlike an altbier. Uinta's kölsch pours a golden-straw color capped by a bright white head that persists well and drops plenty of lace. Crackery malt notes spring forth accompanied by a light papery quality, while grassy-earthy noble hops add their distinct character. We got hints of lemon zest and subtle honey notes as well, plus a pleasant fruitiness that leans toward apple and white grape juice. There's a tasty core of pale and pils malt on the palate, delivering the clean grain character we like in this style. Those grassy hops come forth with more than enough spicy bitterness to counter the mild residual malt sweeteness. Look carefully for those subtle fruity aromas to play a role in the flavor too, adding further dimension. Kölsch is a great session beer and an excellent beer for turning macro-lager drinkers onto higher quality beer. The brewery recommends pairing Hoodoo with sautéed shrimp, fresh fish seasoned with lemon, smoked salmon, grilled chicken, and bratwurst. That all sounds good to us! Cheers!
When founder Will Hamill established Uinta (“you-in-tah”) in 1993, he succeeded in merging his love of brewing and his passion for the outdoors. Originally from Maine, Will enjoyed a lifestyle very much like many other Utahans when he arrived in the state, including kayaking, skiing, and biking. But, something was missing – the great craft beer that he had enjoyed in his native state. To satisfy his own cravings, Will took to home brewing and quickly became consumed. After years of perfecting recipes, he was producing beers that not only satisfied him, but also impressed his friends. At that point he enrolled at UC Davis to study brewing and develop his knowledge of the industry.
When Will began Uinta, it was at a very modest facility – a small, converted auto mechanic’s garage. From these humble beginnings, Uinta began brewing and distributing beer to local pubs and restaurants, and three years later demand had escalated enough to install a bottling line. By 2001, the brewery had outgrown its original location, so a 26,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility was built with energy efficiency as a prime goal. Not only was the new brewery outfitted with the best in brewing technology, it was built to be completely wind-powered. Yep, the brewery is 100% powered by Mother Nature herself, becoming the first business in Utah to achieve that milestone. But, their commitment to the environment doesn’t end there; they established a recycling location for brown glass, installed solar panels, donate their used grain to local ranchers to use as feed, purchase recycled paper, and use natural lighting in the brewery as well as energy-efficient electric lighting. Great job guys, we’ll raise a glass to that! To learn more about Uinta Brewing Company and scheduled tours, call (801) 467-0909 or visit www.uintabrewing.com.

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